Strong market research for your success.
Welcome to the Berlin-based experts for practice-oriented market research. We understand your operational challenges and give you as a decision maker concrete, success-oriented recommendations for action.Strong market research for your success.
Welcome to the Berlin-based experts for practice-oriented market research. We understand your operational challenges and give you as a decision maker concrete, success-oriented recommendations for action.Customer satisfaction and loyality are are more important than ever today. By measuring them and uncovering perfomance strengths and weaknesses we enable you to make the right choices.
We analyze suppliers and buyers in your market. From this we generate target group profiles and derive positioning opportunities in the competition.
We test the acceptance and market potential of your new services and products. In your product development, we include the perspective of your potential customers. In this way we secure the market success of your innovations.
We support you in the development of efficient advertising media and evaluate your campaigns. Optimization helps you reach more customers with less media budget.
Methods of data collection
As your field institute with our modern portfolio consisting of quantitative and qualitative methods we reliably collect data: From CATI studio to online focus groups, we have the right survey method for your requirements in-house. More …